Sunday, July 10, 2005

Where I've Been

Originally uploaded by lambgarden.
I haven't been around and don't expect to be very much over the next couple of weeks. This bar review owns every minute of my life. They even tell us when to schedule in breathing.

3 hours review New York Property Notes;
.5 minutes breathe;
17 hours listen to jerks on video

I can't even remember when the last time I showered was -- I think they forgot to put it on the schedule.


Anonymous said...

Take heart. A friend of mine went to BarBri twice (yes, twice) pre-bar exam, and is now making a ton of money as a patent attorney.

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that, and don't ever want to do it again. Just thinking back on studying for the bar exam and then taking it gives me a case of the hot squirts.

Hang in there. It shall pass, and so will you.