Saturday, November 12, 2005

F'ing Long Time

(Note time delay. Panera doesn't let me post to blogger.)

It is has been SO long since I have posted. Apologies all around.

I'm sitting in Panera Bread in Princeton right now waiting for Ryan who is interviewing fancy-firm style. Meanwhile, I'm listening to jazz that makes me want to eat my own hand. WHY GOD WHY do establishments such as Panera, Starbucks, and Barnes and Noble think that EVERYONE LIKES JAZZ? The wailing frenetic hyper schizoid fever makes me feel like my scalp is pulsating and eventually, if I stay long enough, my brain will eat my scalp.

Speaking of adjectives, I've been taking a poetry workshop at the Adult School in Montclair. It has been really interesting and fun and definitely gotten me to write a bit. So I guess that's part of the reason I haven't been posting as much ... my writing bug has been satisfied elsewhere. Do you feel like I'm cheating on you? Don't worry, I'll always come back. I'm just a free bird. (God I hate Lynyrd Skynard - note all the Y's - that is for "Y do you suck so much Lynyrd Skynard?")

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