Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Married Life and Mundane News

Okay, I actually have nothing to report regarding married life. It is pretty much the same except you can be more strange and potentially (but hopefully not) more gross. I find it an adjustment to be a "we" ... I'm used to saying whether I can go somewhere or how long it took ME to get there or MY level of enjoyment or appreciation -- instead of we will be attending the party or we thank you or we drove for 4 hours in traffic or we prefer something or something (not creative enough to make up something right now). All of a sudden we're a team. Team activities. Team decisions. Team feelings. Very strange.

There is a weird rustling in our outdoor closet (no garage - just an attached closet that functions as a shed). I hope that my neighbor is getting something out of her adjoining closet. I imagine (as a worst case scenario) that someone is tunneling through the inside of our closet to break into our house. I am wondering whether I should have the portable phone right next to me to call for help.

Monday was my work holiday party. We had it at a local firehall and it was potluck with christmas karaoke. I was not looking forward to it except when I got there I surprised myself by having a few lemonade w/ vodka drinks! Yum.

Christmas is coming up so quickly. We (note the team) are not as prepared as we (note again) usually are. Tonight we're (note once again -- should I stop) are going to Market Fair to pick up some gifties and maybe go eat at either Big Fish (where we have a gift certificate from Ryan's dad) or TGI Fridays (where we have a gift card from one of my co-workers as a shower gift -- I love to be showered with gifts that result in food).

Why are the holidays a little depressing even when you're not alone?

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