Sunday, February 20, 2005


yesterday i was completely off the wall. i was hungry all day. i had a headache. i nervously chewed a whole pack of gum. i drank about 6 cups of coffee. what i didn't realize was that the coffee was DECAF.

LESSON: if you are hooked on coffee, do not accidently switch to decaf -- it will ruin your day.

In other news, my poor puppy is sick. He has a cyst that is infected and he is a sad sad baby now. All he did today (aside from go to the vet) was lay on the kitchen floor on his bed with his belly up so that nothing would touch his very red swollen cyst. I felt terrible leaving him but... I had to go back to Newark... and he's not really my puppy (don't tell him that) but my mom's so he lives in Brooklyn. I'm SURE Louise and Mommy will take good care of him.

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