Monday, June 13, 2005

Hello There

Sorry I didn't post pictures of the Trout Parade - I forgot my camera up at the cabin and had to use my mom's. Now she has her camera in Brooklyn so I won't have the pictures for a little while. I'll see what I can do. I was really fun and strange. The weather was wicked hot but at least the thunderstorms didn't start until the late afternoon.

The notable aspect about the Michael Jackson trial to me is that weird fan. It isn't that there has been a long track-record of Michael paying off kiddies to keep their mouths shut. It isn't that he admitted to sleeping in the same bed as children. Or that there is this mysterious thing called "Jesus Juice."

It is that weird SUPERFAN named BJ Hickman. I kind of admire the blind fanaticism he has displayed. I think people should start becoming fans of this fan. Love of his love! I love you BJ Hickman!


Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson scares me more than clowns. And I have a serious inexplicable fear of clowns....

Anonymous said...

take my pic down now!!!