Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Newark City Hall and Me

This is a picture of me on the way back from the main post office in Newark posing in front of Newark City Hall.

I'm thinking I need a haircut. I was planning on growing it long but ... I kind of hate my hair long. It takes me over like a monster - a big hair monster. I'm much fresher with my short curly hair. Much Maryier, that's for sure. Maybe I should wait for the summer's crazy humidity subsides before I render myself unable to tie my hair back in a knot.

I'm watching I Want That! on HGTV and I do NOT recommend it. Basically, it is a whole show featuring stupid things you have already seen in stores or you would never want. I want to see more crazy luxury features for the home that only super rich people would consider getting. Not some Bose radio that stores songs on it knows how to play songs on random -- eh hemmm... has anyone ever heard of a computer or iTunes? Very unimpressive.

Leave me messages with suggestions for topics if anyone is particularly bored with the current events. I won't be insulted!

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