Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Breaking Through

The storm clouds were so thick today I felt like it was going to be night forever. I thought it was beautiful.

On the way home, I was sitting on the train and the girl behind me was on the phone with her sister. She was telling her that she deserved someone better. I was just wondering if we all tell our sisters that they deserve someone better who deserves the men they don't deserve?

The other thing I was thinking about is that my housemate Jess said that I should be glad that my parents met and had me because otherwise I would be fragmented. They would have had children with other people and then I would be little bits of me in other people who would have been born instead of me.

Doesn't that also mean that I, as I am today, might actually not be a whole person but instead little fragments of other people who were never able to be born?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marzipan Albert Whispering Forrest Jones,
I think you're one of the greatest people I've ever met and if you are in fact fragments of millions of other people, then I would have to say that, it's the perfect combination and they're lucky to have been born as part of you.