Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Newark's Finest

Tonight Ryan and I went to the Newark Museum where they had free food, drinks and music. We got to walk around the museum which was cool and I took the Newark subway for the first time.

Funny story which is boring is that I was going to make mozzarella sticks as a treat before we went to the museum but Ryan and I decided to go right away because it was getting late... and then... all they had that I could eat was... MOZZARELLA STICKS. Isn't that weird? Yeah, I know!

So anyway, we went because we never do ANYTHING and I thought that it would be good to get out for an hour and especially good to support a little of my new city. I am forging the way for gentrification. Yeehaw. That makes me a pioneer.

And that's it. I'm looking forward to my family coming back from Florida. Hopefully, they will make it back before Ivan hits.

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