Saturday, October 23, 2004

Interview News and a Commentary

Interview News
There is good news and bad on the interview front. I did *not* get the position in Newton but I guess we all saw that coming since he wished me luck in my career. So that is the bad news. The good news is that I have yet another interview request. That is 10 freakin' clerkship interviews. My odds are getting so sweet!

I really hate when classmates start a comment with any of the following:

1. "Needless to say....."
2. "Because of the fact that....."
3. "I was just going to say that......"
4. "I was going to ask........."

A catch phrase that precedes a useless comment is not a successful communication tool. In order to sound more intelligent I would suggest longer periods of silence when making a comment (like a forever period of silence).


Anonymous said...

My perosnal favorite is "yeah, I have a question...." ARGGGGGGGG. The fact that you HAVE A QUESTION is evidenced by the action of RAISING YOUR HAND.

Anonymous said...

My perosnal favorite is "yeah, I have a question...." ARGGGGGGGG. The fact that you HAVE A QUESTION is evidenced by the action of RAISING YOUR HAND.